Sunday, July 10, 2016

Welcome to Insight!

I will be telling you more about myself as I get further into this blog.  I have a Master’s of Social Work degree, and worked for 8 years in inpatient forensic mental health.  I left because I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder.  I was also born with Cerebral Palsy.  My diagnosis with MDD was the result of being placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold, having become suicidal during a depressive episode.  Being hospitalized was one of the best things that could have happened to me.  I was finally getting the help, not to mention the diagnosis, I needed.  I will write more of my story bit by bit, but that’s where I’m starting, and what I believe qualifies me to write about this topic.
Insight Outside In will touch on many different topics.  I am a social worker at heart, and a social justice advocate.  I am sure my political views will come through.  I will talk about my struggles and how I get through them.  I’ll talk about what works for me, and what doesn’t.  I encourage you, always, to take what I write, and think about what you can apply to your own life.  
Be well.