Insighters, how I have missed you! Yes, I know I fell down on blogging. I have no excuse other than life and priorities shifted, and the writing was one of the first things to go. There have been some really exciting changes, and my plan is for the blog to start reflecting the work I have been doing over the past year.
Primarily, Insight has taken on a life of its own I never saw coming. It's gone from being purely online mental health education through the blog and Facebook discussions. But from that, I have realized a need also exists for better understanding about mental health treatment. The resulting enterprise is Insight Mental Health Education. I come to your school, business, or group and we do a workshop about mental health. I have been incredibly fortunate this year to speak throughout northern California at a variety of schools! I have developed my own curriculum which can be tailored to a variety of dynamics including age of participants, size of the group, education versus professional setting, and more!
I look forward to sharing more with you here on the blog, and working with you face to face. For more information, please don't hesitate to contact me at Be well!